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There’s nothing that says “medical professional” quite as clearly as a stethoscope hanging around your neck. Everyone loves a stethoscope, in fact research shows that of all the medical instruments out there, having a stethoscope on you is the fastest way to appear more trustworthy to patients.

Turns out there’s a reason for that, they’re dead useful!

The definitive auscultation tool, the stethoscope has been helping us diagnose medical conditions for hundreds of years, and it’s still just as useful today as when it was first invented.

Of course things have advanced considerably in that time, and there’s now a wide variety of advanced stethoscopes available to suit a myriad of different needs and professions.

So let’s have a look at some of the different kinds of stethoscopes available to the modern medical practitioner.

The Standard in Stethoscopes

The most widely used of all stethoscopes, and the one everyone immediately pictures when they think of them, is the classic dual head stethoscope.

From the newest of students to the most experienced of doctors, everyone has used one of these. An excellent general purpose option, these simple, dependable instruments won’t let you down. As a bonus, you even get to pick your favourite colour.

Child Friendly Options

Lots of children don’t like going to the doctor, and they especially don’t like the hospital, so keeping them calm long enough to diagnose and treat them can be a challenge.

Giving them something to focus on is an excellent way to get around this problem, and once again the stethoscope comes to the rescue. With a selection of friendly animal faces to choose from, they’re a great way to ensure you always have a distraction on hand.

Electronic Stethoscopes

Sometimes a mechanical stethoscope isn’t strong enough, and when that happens the electronic stethoscope is the solution. Able to amplify sounds by as much as 24 times their normal volume, no condition is too quiet to be picked up by this precision instrument.

For Babies

A specialist job requires a specialist instrument, which is what the pinard horn is. This foetal stethoscope is designed for easy listening to the heartbeats of unborn babies, very useful for those that need it.

The All-in-One

If you’re after a single stethoscope that can do it all, this is what you’re looking for. The Sprague Rappaport offers 5 interchangeable chest pieces: large and small diaphragms, and adult, child, and infant sized bells.

Each chest piece is suited to detecting sounds in a specific range, allowing it to do any job required.


No matter what type of stethoscope you’re looking for, we’ve got you covered. Check out our extensive range today!