100% Australian Owned 07 5524 2000


We all wear socks to be warm and comfortable, but it can actually do a lot more for you, as they have numerous medical benefits. Compression socks, or compression stockings, are specialised in providing gentle pressure to your legs and ankles. They can improve blood flow from your legs all the way to your heart, decreasing pain and swelling.
What Are The Benefits? Compression socks/stockings are beneficial for multiple conditions. You may decide to wear compression stockings for:

  • Boosting circulation in the legs
  • Decreasing swelling in the legs and ankles
  • Improving lymphatic drainage
  • Managing orthostatic hypotension, or low blood pressure when you stand up after a period of sitting down
  • Preventing blood from pooling in the leg veins
  • Preventing deep vein thrombosis in the legs
  • Preventing venous ulcers
  • Reducing pain related to varicose veins
  • Reversing venous hypertension

Who Should Wear Them? Anyone can gain the aforementioned benefits from wearing compression stockings and socks, but specific people may gain value from these advantageous products. Compression stockings can aid athletes, helping to improve blood flow and oxygen delivery while working out. This includes compression support for hands and arms. They can even assist in speeding up post-workout recovery. For someone who is confined to a wheelchair, compression stockings help with blood flow and reduce swelling in the legs. Pregnant women tend to be prone to swelling in their legs, feet or ankles, so using compression stockings is a clear advantage in reducing these chances of pain. Putting them on in the morning as a preventative measure often see the best results compared to putting them on after the swelling has developed. Going on a long flight? Wearing compression socks during aeroplan travel is a fantastic option to help increase circulation, reducing risk of developing deep vein thrombosis or blood clots. And if you happen to be on your feet quite frequently at work, compression socks can help reduce fatigue, pain or swelling by increasing blood and oxygen flow in the legs and feet. As you can see, compression stockings have many uses and assist in day-to-day activity. There are even products such as the EzyAs compression garment applicator to assist in putting on upper and lower limb compression garments, reducing the pain and difficulty! You can check out Solutions Medical’s entire range of compression stockings and socks by clicking here. This short video will guide you on how to load your stocking on the EzyAs compression garment applicator that we have in stock: